Friday, December 4, 2020

Talk radio host Mark Levin: "Biden is illegitimate." From D.K.: Don't settle for the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The Democrat advocacy media hid what Biden/Harris ACTUALLY stand for and what they plan to do, resulting in millions voting for them ... What Biden/Harris want to do, and the unfortunate and negative results to be ...

------------------------- ~ Photo by Paul Bonnar on Unsplash ~ -------------------------------------- Frog croaking sound - ---------------- Frog Sounds -Noises - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk radio host Mark Levin: "Biden is illegitimate." ---------------------------------------- SEE HERE: What the mainstream Democraat advocacy media intentionally kept from the public, resulting in millions voting for Biden/Harris ... They kept from the public what Biden/Harris want to do, the unfortunate negative results to come... "There is no more media in this country. It is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party."- Rush Limbaugh, 2008 ---------------------------------------- - Trump tax cuts: Biden said he plans to end the if elected. - Biden wants to end oil fracking. Insane! ALSO: Biden has said he wants to end the oil industry. INSANE. This is the mindset of a cult. During the last Presidential debate, Trump brought up the fact that Biden said he wants to end fracking. In response, Biden lied to the country on air in front of millions, saying it was not true he wanted to end fracking. Trump responded by playing audio of Biden actually saying he wanted to end fracking. - Defunding the police, taking away the protections every American deserves. Biden and Harris want to defund the police. - Racial discord caused by Biden/Harris and their support groups falsely accusing others of racism. - High crime increase by Biden/Harris. They want to prematurely release prisoners, and they demonize the police. NOTE: Sept. 2020 Report by U.S. Attorney Genereal Bill Barr High crime increase already happening across the U.S. because of prematuirely release of prisoners and demonizing the police. During the 2020 campaign, Harris demonized the police. Kamal Harris caused a dramatic HIGH crime increase writing the title and summary for Prop 47 and Prop 57, and wanted the passage of Prop 47 and Prop 57. Prop 47 has caused the homeless crisis in California, and Kamala Harris is directly responsible for it. Both Prop 47 and Prop 57 passed and have caused a dramatic increase in crime in California and they continue to do so. Harris stood for the passage of bill AB 109 early release of ciriminals in California. AB 109 has and continues to cause a dramatic increase in crime and the homeless criss in California. - Harris wants to get rid of private healthcare insurance. Insane. - Harris maliciously and falsly called the border patrol ICE Nazis, and wants to end ICE (Immigration Cusoms and Enforcement). This conduct by Harris is deviant, dishonest, immoral, dangerous and unsafe for the public. It is unnacceptable. Biden and Harris are radical leftwing extremist.